The Year I Found My Inner Peace
Oh, I think that I’ve found myself a cheerleader.
We all have an inner critic within us. That part of us that wants everything perfect. The part of us that judges us when we do wrong or gives a nod of approval when we do right.
I'm certain each of us is familiar with the voice inside our head that second-guesses us. Yes, that one that makes us feel like we could be doing more and weighs our outcome by our perceived ability.
This part of us holds us to a higher standard than the majority of our on-lookers. This part of which I write about I have known for most of my life.
I hear people talk about pep talk, things they say to themselves they feel nervous before embarking on a task. Some people have a couple of mantras and chants they say to themselves to keep their mojo high. However, interestingly, all I have known before this time is my inner critique.
This year, I'm not sure if I can pinpoint where it all started, but I can say that I found my inner peace. It's like a voice within that cheers me on. The voice that lets me know that I have the strength to take another step. The strength to put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
It's the hand that pats me on my back when things aren't going my way. It's the voice of optimism echoing with encouragement inside my soul.
2024 was the year I resolved that anything worthwhile is never easy. Hence, mistakes are inevitable. But the reward of taking risks is priceless.
The year I made peace with everything that didn't work. It was the year I realized that early bloom, late bloom, just bloom, that's what's important.
2024 was the year I found my greatest cheerleader.
It’s not in the compliments or criticism I received from outsiders, but it’s in that inner voice that nudges me forward, assuring me that there’s room to be anything I want to be. It is the hand that picks me up on my feet when I’m on the verge of throwing in the towel.
It was the year that I concluded that if I must win, I must take a chance at failing. I got comfortable with making mistakes and moving on from them as quickly as I could. As when we choose success, we also in the same vein, inadvertently take a chance at failure.
It’s been a long time coming, but I’m thrilled to be here. It’s been the most terrific time of my life.