Anxiety has much deeper roots.
There’s hardly anyone who hasn’t had a moment of anxiety in their life. Anxiety has varying degrees as different things make us anxious. From trying to meet a deadline to standing in front of a crowd for a presentation. It could be as simple as asking for help from a stranger on the street. Some people would rather lose their way than ask for directions from a stranger. Others will prefer to hide under a rock than to be the center of attention.
Can a person truly get over their anxiety? I think a better question would be 'Why am I anxious?' It could be that we have come to accept anxiety as part of life. But are we built to function that way?
The best place I believe to begin when dealing with anxiety(after we've acknowledged that we have anxiety in certain areas) is to first identify the things that make us anxious. This right here is the ultimate icebreaker. As you do this, you might be able to trace it to something you passively or actively experienced, heard, or saw either as a grown-up or as a little child in the past.
- Once, recently, I was robbed by my cab driver. It was late at night. I remember that I could barely sleep that night not out of fear but in sheer disbelief. Days after the incident I could still hear the voice of this person in my head as he threatened me to give him my belongings(I’ll save the whole details for another of my article How To Prepare For A Loss — watch this space for it). This was slowly becoming a cause for anxiety when I had to inevitably stay out late. What I did was to call it out for what it was and face it; bad things happen any time of the day.
Truth be told, this isn't some kind of magic wand that makes everything go away in one swipe. In reality, it is a fight. A fight for your life. Why become a slave to your fears and emotions when you could be the boss and sway your life where you want it to go?